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Insurances can sometimes appear to be a waste of money. Money is deducted from your bank account with frightening regularity, though you never make a claim.

However, at the Shape of Money we believe that having the appropriate insurance cover to safe-guard you and your family against financial loss is imperative.

As part of coming to understand your financial position, it's important to take stock of the insurances you currently hold: Are they adequate? Are you over-insured? Are you getting the best deal available?

What sort of insurance should you hold, and at what level?

The answer to this question depends on your personal circumstances. An individual with no dependants and no debt, for example, may just require income protection insurance. However, if you're the only income earner with dependants, you're likely to also require life insurance that provides for them in the event of your pre-mature death.

Because insurance can be complex and expensive, we recommend that you seek the advice of a competent insurance adviser or broker.