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Secrets To Wealth



When we first researched the concept behind the Shape of Money, we found that almost 100% of those surveyed wanted to know what the secrets of wealth are. To those people who stopped for our interviews on freezing, wind-swept, Wellington mornings, thank you for the inspiration.

The first secret we'll explore is planning for wealth. Planning involves understanding what you want to achieve financially and how and when you're going to get there.

Why? Planning is one of the universal secrets to being successful at anything, whether a career, sport, or financial wealth. But, specifically, planning will help us

  • make our goals explicit,
  • determine what those goals are,
  • decide between the importance of various conflicting goals,
  • turn our bus-stop dreams into tangible and real options,
  • seek the assistance of karma and the universe (hold your judgment),
  • measure our achievements,
  • tell us how far we have gone and how far we have to go, and
  • control our own destiny.

Planning for wealth

The first step in developing your plan is to think about identifying your financial goals. These goals will form the core of your plan. They could take the form of a trip overseas, a new car, or financial independence, or even all three - you decide.

We suggest that you give some thought to identifying your financial goals. Don't shy away from your dreams. Don't worry about how you'll achieve them; that's where the Shape of Money comes in. We'll help you along the way.

Identify your own personal goals and, if appropriate, also think about goals you wish to achieve with your partner and family. Achieving shared goals is a shared activity.

More help

The topic"Plan to Save and Save to Plan" has useful information to support your planning process.

The topic suggests the value of planning; it offers tried and tested suggestions to help make your plan a success, and covers the basic components of a savings plan.