Some other notes to consider
- Have your interest income reinvested if
possible, to take advantage of the compounding
- As in all investment markets, a higher
return is the market's warning of higher risk.
- Check the value of the minimum investment.
- Diversify across various fixed interest
investments and terms. This will help minimise your exposure
to changes in interest rates which, no matter what the commentators
may say, can be difficult to predict with any certainty.
Information you could read
Additional resources
are a number of useful books which you
could consider buying or borrowing. Most of these include information
on investing in cash and fixed interest investments. It's particularly
useful to understand the technical nature of some of these investments,
for example, the term "bond yield".
Magazines such as the NZ Investor Monthly and financial
newspapers such as the National
Business Review and The Independent are a useful
Debt Market has a useful site with some good information while
"is the easy place to find who is offering the best interest
rates in New Zealand".